‘Shaktimaan’ actor Mukesh Khanna, trolled of late for his controversial remarks, must practise in spirit what he taught the kids of the ’90s on his show, and save his legacy from turning into dust

In the 1990s, a significant holiday ritual for me and my brother would be to sit on the parapet of our under-construction house and sing the Shaktimaan title song at full throttle. The location was chosen to ensure that the entire neighbourhood heard it. Assuming we had successfully accomplished the day’s concert, we would triumphantly march back into the house.

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The internet was yet to make its chaotic appearance, and it was a time of innocence that every 90s kid remembers with fond nostalgia.

A poster showing Mukesh Khanna in the Shaktimaan costume, teases a reboot of the popular serial. Photo: @actmukeshkhanna/X

Whatever happened to the humility, grace and respect for fellow humans that Shaktimaan taught us! Here was a man wanting to return as a “super teacher” and impart moral lessons to the next generation and himself lacking in these qualities.

We have moved on, time you move on too, say fans

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