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‘Caste was socially entrenched in Ambedkar’s lifetime; now it’s politically entrenched’
Parties across the political spectrum celebrate Ambedkar today. How do we understand this phenomenon? The Federal speaks to Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, whose lucid biography on Dr Ambedkar unpacks the leader in a contemporary setting

Ambedkarcongres leader shashi tharoorCongress MP Shashi TharoorConstitutionDr Ambedkarnew booksashisasishashiShashi Tharoorshashi tharoor debateshashi tharoor englishShashi Tharoor interviewshashi tharoor latest newsshashi tharoor liveRishi Sunakshashi tharoor speechshashi tharoor uk debateshashi tharoor votestaroortarorTharoor
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